C90 Golden Series 001: Best of Sunday Vol. 1

All these mixtapes are my way of coping with that compulsive ‘hunter-gatherer’ side of my brain.  And my way of enjoying the collection.

Normal and well-adjusted people encounter my music collection and retreat with a sense of overwhelm. “I have no idea where to start. How do I even to begin to pick something to listen to?”

I’m sympathetic to that position but they usually don’t stick around long enough for me to explain the role of mixtapes to this process.  All these postings in the C90 Lounge are first and foremost my way of slicing off bite size chunks from the full roasting boar. They may gather together old favourites but more often than not the mixtapes are made up of artists and songs that I’m less familiar with. Or even a complete stranger to.  Newly discovered albums or long-ago-acquired albums which I’ve never listened to.  The Lounge is really my listening laboratory. 

My modus ausculti is to select a bunch of stuff and listen to the albums all the way through. Or, more frequently, hit shuffle.  Whatever tickles the ear drums gets sent to one of dozens of broad categories based on theme, style, feel or artist.  At some later stage, most of those long-listed selections get another listen or two and put into a mixtape and posted on to the Lounge.  At that point I’m probably quite familiar with 30-50% of the tracks; the remainder are completely fresh.

Because I’m so caught up in collecting and making long-lists, the ultimate purpose of having so much music—to revel in the glory of it all; to simply get off on listening—gets pushed on to the back burner. 

In the last few weeks I’ve dedicated most of my time to listening to a bunch of these postings but with my ear fully open rather than simply cocked for a catchy riff, a fine melody or a good title.  The early result of this process is a new series called the C90 Golden Edition which is my distillation to a further degree of syrup, the hundreds of mixtapes I’ve made or posted. 

To kick off I share with you the first in the Series. The Best of Sunday Sounds Vol.1.

I used to write a weekly column which focused on music with a South Asian connection or flavour, for the Indian online paper Scroll.in.  The editor chose the title Sunday Sounds and allowed me to complete freedom to choose several videos every week to share, as long as they had some connection with India, Pakistan or the subcontinent.

That free ranging spirit is what inspires the Sunday Sounds series. Sounds of any genre, feel or geography that I think deserve to be appreciated by a wider audience.

So, after 18 volumes, here is my first cut of the ‘best of Sunday Sounds’.


14 Replies to “C90 Golden Series 001: Best of Sunday Vol. 1”

  1. Thanks for this first volume in the new, extra-distilled series. (Thanks, too, for the
    explanation of the methodology — the mixodology? — behind these compilations.)


  2. the breadth, the depth…it is kind of a mindfuck, in the best possible sense. At one point when I was writing little capsule reviews for the _Utne Reader_ (1985-92+/-), I had a simply stupid, overwhelming collection of records, tapes, and CDs. When we decamped for Austin oasis in the the Texas wasteland I spent a weekend trying to order it somehow. Monday I went to Oar Folkjokeopus (wher ethey already knew me from selling stiff off here and there) and asked what they’d give me for most of the kit & caboodle, was completely taken aback by their generosity (which should have been no surprise, tbh) not least of spirit and warmth and appreciation. I still have what any normal person would consider a stupid amount of records, tapes & CDs not too mention external hard drives. I am pretty overwhelmed by it making my admiration and appreciation of your forays into order and construction even greater.

    Thanks, as always, for this and everything you post here

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Dude, these historic intersections of stories between strangers are hilarious! You were writing for Utne, one of my favourite reads back in the day, so very likely I read some of your stuff. Here, 40 years on we are connecting on writing and music. What’s that about “spooky action at a distance”? Ha ha!

      You are far too kind in your commendation but I accept. Thank you.

      You know what in all those Minnesota years I don’t know if I ever visited Oarfolkeopus once! I was a Positively 4th Street and Electric Fetus patron. Isn’t it interesting how community/tribe could also be defined by the record stores you frequented? Those days are gone…replaced by the new musical Walmarts of Spotify, Apple and Soulseek?


      1. I’ve been making these comps on CD for a group of friends who meet about every two weeks, to share songs. We have gotten together for almost 20 years to share music (mostly 45’s). I try to put in some songs that each of them will like. Other than that, it’s just songs I enjoy!

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      2. I’m the only one who makes cd’s, the other guys bring 45’s to play and share. They are real collectors and sellers of the old 7 inchers.

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